
Bitcoin Miners are earning R$ 174 million per day

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In December 2020 the miners earned US$ 692 million The Bitcoin miners are making US$ 33 million per day, approximately R$ 174 million in conversion. The information was released by the CEO of Glassnode, Rafael Schultze-Kraft, who even joked with the situation saying: „miners, be happy“. The profits with mining are increasing since October and […]


Bitcoin Price Prediction: BTC/USD ma oddychać jak to waha się między 32.400 dolarów i 34.000 dolarów.

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Bitcoin (BTC) Przewidywanie ceny – 3 stycznia 2021 r. W dniu 2 stycznia BTC/USD osiągnęły szczytową cenę 34.873 USD i dokonały korekty w dół. Moneta wycofana powyżej 32.400 dolarów i wznowiła konsolidację nad ostatnim wsparciem. W międzyczasie, Bitcoin Billionaire waha się między 32 400 a 34 000 dolarów. Poziomy oporu: 33.000$, 34.000$, 35.000$. Poziomy wsparcia: […]


After Bitcoin, now Ethereum: ETH cracks the $ 900 mark

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What a weekend for crypto enthusiasts! The Bitcoin price breaks the $ 30,000 mark and sets a new all-time high at around $ 34,400 and there seems to be no end in sight. But not only Bitcoin saw strong growth over the weekend. The number 2 cryptocurrency by market capitalization has just hit the $ […]